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VentriloVoice communication over the internet.
GPRS CAR TRACKING / FLEET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN NAIROBI KENYA - ElectriBiosys Kenya car tracking in Nairobi Kenya . As a car tracking companies in Nairobi Kenya, we offer a web solution that combines GPRS, GPS Technology and GSM modern communication over digital maps .Our Vehicle Alarms an
Ventrilo - ThemesVoice communication over the internet.
Modem - WikipediaMany modems are variable-rate, permitting them to be used over a medium with less than ideal characteristics, such as a telephone line that is of poor quality or is too long. This capability is often adaptive so that a m
Function and purpose of cookies - Cookiedatabase.orgCookies or any other form of local storage use have a function and a purpose. A function is a particular task a cookie has. So a function can be “store the IP address”. Purpose can be seen as the Why behind the function.
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Sigma Infosolutions - eCommerce | FinTech | DevelopmentSigma Infosolutions is a leading technology services company offering eCommerce, FinTech, and Development services across the industries worldwide.
WWCOTY | Women s Worldwide Car of the Year | Womens Worldwide COTYThe world s leading female motoring journalists reveal which cars are the best on the planet
Seamless Business Communications - Cloud Phone SystemTelephone Systems and Data Networking Solutions - VoIP, Cloud Phone System Office telephone system for businesses in Perth WA.
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